We're open and ready to serve you. Thursday–Saturday 11:00–4:00, or by appointment
Notes from the Director by Patricia Cream - The holidays are fast approaching! We were excited to safely re-open on December 3rd. Our hours will be Thursday-Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. through December. We are offering private shopping experiences for any customers who are at high risk for catching COVID-19. You can reserve a time prior to our regular hours by calling 505-292-9333, 24 hours in advance. No extra charge. With the many unknowns at the end of November, the Gallery had to cancel the Annual Holiday Bazaar. The good news is the artists who were scheduled for the Annual Holiday Bazaar have been moved to the February Salon show. Make sure to mark your calendars for Feb. 5th for this rescheduled event. SO, what is happening in the salon for December? HOLIDAY GIFTS for HOLIDAY PRICES! That's right! Our gallery members have joined for a BIG holiday sale in the salon. Original paintings, fused glass, and ceramics showing in the salon are discounted by 10 to 25% off our regular prices. The main gallery is decorated for the holidays with many unique gift items from our artists. We hope you will shop local at our gallery in a peaceful, safe atmosphere and avoid big crowds. We also have an online store: https://www.thegalleryabq.com/shop The January Salon Show is “In Memoriam, The Nature Photography of Jeremy Stein.” The Gallery ABQ is honored to partner with the New Mexico BioPark Society (NMBPS) to hold a show of Jeremy’s photography. The family of Jeremy Stein has selected NMBPS to receive 75% of all sales as a donation in his name, which will benefit the ABQ BioPark’s greatest area of need. The opening reception is planned for January 8th, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Please watch for more information from both The Gallery ABQ and NMBPS. The Gallery ABQ has completed the NM Safe Certification. We are following the NM guidelines and training for the implementation of COVID Safe Practices. Mandatory Masks and Social Distancing is required. Please come out and support our artists!